The Online Learning Environment Fit Brandyn’s Lifestyle and Schedule
Brandyn Hansen is a go-getter. He graduated on the President’s List for taking the Graphic Design program at the Centre for Distance Education, later going on to open his own business.
Brandyn initially chose CD-ED because it suited his lifestyle. The online format allowed him to work and complete his classes at the same time over 52 weeks. While Brandyn acknowledges that the program was packed full of classes and information, which could get busy at times, he was able to become deeply involved with his chosen program.
Throughout the program, Brandyn learned how to balance his time and expectations on creative assignments. He learned how to adapt his design and creative ideas to fit within the weekly deadline while still managing to fulfill all requirements. He experienced enjoyment throughout every part of the program from design theory to portfolio design. In particular, he enjoyed creating connections with his excellent instructors Karen and Wayne.
After Graduating Brandyn Successfully Entered the Workforce
Brandyn currently works as an independent freelance graphic design and illustrator with the flexibility to work remotely or locally for any client. A typical workday brings a variety of different client projects – each varying in the timeframe, difficulty, and skill level required to complete each task. Brandyn enjoys the mixture of work that he has had the opportunity to complete because he is able to maintain creativity, inspiration, and professional growth due to the unique aspect of each job.
There is an ever growing list of applications that a graphic designer may use day-to-day. However, the main program and technical skills required in the industry are still learned in Adobe Creative Cloud. Specifically, Brandyn uses Adobe apps such as Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, and Acrobat. Aside from the main programs, Brandyn finds himself working in Adobe XD, Adobe After Effects, and Webflow. In addition to multiple design programs, he uses cloud storage, collaboration and meeting tools like Dropbox, Google Drive, Slack, and many others.
When asked if he felt CD-ED prepared him for the job market Brandyn responded, “I feel that the graphic design diploma program provided me with a solid foundation to start my career. In addition, I was able to benefit from online learning which initiates self-discipline and determination in a student that transfers over into essential career skills.”
Advice for Future Students
Brandyn explained that online learning may appear less demanding than traditional learning but that is not the case. He advised any student considering a program with CD-ED should be driven and passionate about their career. Brandyn said, “Keep yourself organized and on schedule as these skills will help you tremendously in your program and if you plan on freelancing or being self-employed in the future.”
Congratulations on achieving success Brandyn. If you would like to look at Brandyn’s portfolio, visit brandynhansen.ca.