Adam Found an Online Graphic Design Program to Help Him Reach His Goals 
Adam is a renaissance man. He has attended various universities and colleges for different disciplines. Comparing his experience at different schools, Adam says the Graphic Design Program at CD-ED stood out as the most practical education he has received thus far. When asked about the program, Adam said, “Everything I have done in this course applies directly to my future work as a graphic designer. Each week I feel my confidence grow and see my skills improve!”
CD-ED Cares Supports Each Student on Their Career Journey
Another aspect Adam likes is how personable the school staff are. At CD-ED you are much more than a student number. Adam’s Instructors know him personally, they know his learning style, what his goals are, what challenges he is up against, and most importantly they know how to help him succeed. We asked Adam about how he plans to move forward with his career, and he answered, “The Graphic Design Program at CD-ED is giving me the skills to bridge the gap between where I am and where I want to be, and that is very exciting!” The staff here at CD-ED are excited to see what Adam will accomplish, armed with this new professional skillset.
Adam is grateful for CD-ED bringing his “someday” goals within reach. He explained, “My experience at CD-ED has changed the way that I pursue learning. Graphic design had always been something that I was interested in, but it was a passion that I thought I might pursue ‘someday down the road’ or ‘when it’s a better time’. CD-ED has brought education within reach. CD-ED has met me where I am at and made education work for me. From a flexible schedule, to instructors who teach to my learning style, to hands on assignments that are geared toward my goals, CD-ED has made my ‘someday’ goals start happening today!”
Congratulations on getting the scholarship Adam—you certainly deserve it!