Accreditation & Development
Our specialized curriculum is a large part of what keeps the Centre for Distance Education the leader in online distance education. The curriculum is designed specifically to keep you engaged and motivated, and to ensure you graduate with the skills and confidence necessary to enter the workforce.
All newly-learned skills are tentative, at first, but repetition over time brings confidence. The courses developed by our seasoned instructors for our curriculum are designed to provide a solid theoretical understanding that is reinforced with hands-on experience. By the time you graduate, you are equipped to perform as a self-assured professional.
The instructors at the Centre for Distance Education have developed several methods of facilitating and evaluating a student’s progress. These include traditional written tests, step-by-step exercises, video tutorials, and hands-on projects.
Written Tests
The tried-and-true written test method of evaluation is employed where useful: that is, whenever theory and memorization is helpful, you will be presented with true and false, multiple choice, short answer and matching questions to evaluate your recall abilities. The learning management system for our online courses gives instant feedback and evaluation when online tests are written.
Step-by-Step Exercises & Video Tutorials
High-quality textbooks are chosen for each module which will give you a step-by-step walkthrough of a new technique, including the reasons for each step. You can go through these steps at your own pace and as many times as necessary to ensure you understand and remember the technique. Unlike being in class, reviewing the material before moving on doesn’t cause you to miss anything!
In addition, for some techniques our instructors have created full, step-by-step tutorial videos to present material that we didn’t feel was presented adequately elsewhere. These tutorials were written and recorded specifically to fulfill industry requirements.
Practical, Real-World Application
After techniques are introduced through step-by-step exercises, you are asked to complete a practical project which will give you experience in using the skills in a real-world setting. These practical projects are what set us apart from other distance education schools who stop after the step-by-step exercises. Time and again, our students have expressed surprise and gratitude at how much we expected of our students in comparison to previous institutions they’d attended.
Projects are evaluated by an individual instructor. Online tests that give immediate results are administered through our computer system.
Creativity is encouraged: as you progress through your program, we encourage you to explore alternative and creative problem-solving methods on your own. Finding more than one way to solve different problems is a valuable work asset.
Core Courses
Each of our basic programs begins with what we call “the Core” courses. These courses are designed to give the brand-new computer user a thorough introduction to how to use a computer and navigate the internet. We also include a short refresher course in basic communication skills to help you prepare for the upcoming year, in which communication is so crucial.
Specialty Courses
The programs at the Centre for Distance Education are differentiated by their Specialty courses. These courses contain all of the career-based information you’ll be learning, on the foundation of the Core courses. Each of your Specialty Courses consists of step-by-step tutorials punctuated by periodic exams and independent projects. All independent projects are evaluated by an instructor with real world experience, and returned with helpful commentary that will allow you to expand your skill base.
What You Take With You
As a graduate, you will have been through a curriculum of online college courses that provided you with:
- Hands-on experience that incrementally increased in difficulty until you mastered the level of proficiency required.
- Specialized knowledge you can showcase when you’re interviewing for jobs.
- Simulated experience of any tests you must take for skills that require certification.
- Confidence in your ability to perform professionally.